Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 21st Daily Recap

"Waking up, it was like every other day. We had everything planned out; breakfast, worship, a devotional given by one of our own, then ministry. As we gathered together to worship, the Lord began to minister to us. What He had to say was seemingly simple, "listen."  He made it clear that it was important for us to listen for His voice in all that we were going to do. As the day played out everyone listened in their own way and in the way God had divinely designed. 
   Painting was the plan for the day; we were going to paint the children's wing of Volcano Church and Uncle Eddie and the boys were there to be of assistance, in any way, should we need it. But before we began Mr. Ray, a faithful member of the church, swept up a couple of students and began to share his wisdom of ages with them. So Mr. Ray taught while they listened and others painted. This became a common thing as the day rolled on, and at the end of the day most everyone had had a chance to listen to the man share. Not only did we listen Mr. Rays heart but also when we were painting we listened to one another and we listened at lunch when we heard the Hawaiian way of saying grace before we ate. We did our best to listen.
    In the evening we all sat down to talk about the day (what we call “debriefing”) and someone that had sat down with Mr. Ray that day said that, even though they didn’t know what he was talking about they knew that he simply wanted to share his wisdom with them. And so they felt that the best way to minister to him was to listen. It turns out that this is how most people felt in their conversations with Mr. Ray.
    With listening comes opportunity. That is something I have learned today, it seems simple but there truly is a profound depth to it. But it is not only when we listen to other people that opportunities to minister arise, it is also when we listen to the Lord that we enable Him to minister to us. I saw that much today, in the way we listened for His voice in the morning allowing Him to minister to our hearts as we prepared to minister to someone else’s. It was in listening to Him that we knew how to listen to them." - Erin Hannan

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